Thursday, December 24, 2015

Introduction to Cosmic/Space Witchery

Space Witchery. What on Earth is it, and how do I practice it? 

Space Witchery can be a multitude of things; from even the smallest spells or correspondences, to the large scale devotion and everyday use!

What IS Space Witchery?
Space Witchery is a form of magic in which a witch will generally base his/her practice around things such as the lunar phase, stars visible that night, the moon being in so and so can be twisted and molded depending upon the witch's needs- so in reality, it can go much further than just lunar phases and what is happening in the solar system that night. A Space Witch might be a secular witch (i.e. a witch who does not devote themselves/believe in deities), instead devoting him/herself to the Universe, the planets, stars and galaxies. S/he might prefer to connect to a particular star or planet during visualized meditations or groundings, instead of the dirt. Just the same, s/he might enjoy working with solar/lunar deities, such as Selene, Apollo, Artemis, Ra or Horus. S/he might prefer broader deities with ties directly to the night, or sky, such as Nyx or Zeus. His/her 'blessed/holy water' might be as simple as some spring water charged under a full moon, or even a meteor shower. Their comfort most often would be during night, under the moon and stars. Space is magic to us, there is so much unseen energy in the Universe that we can harness!

Q: Who do you worship when practicing Space Witchery? What deities are appropriate?
A: It really depends on preference. Nyx is a good one; She is the primordial Goddess/personification of the Night. She is MY favorite when working with space witchcraft. Here's a small list, to help.

  • Nyx (Greek): Primordial Goddess/Personification of Night. She was thought to ride her chariot drawn by horses through the sky at the start of Dusk, passing her daughter, the Day, while spreading her night time cloak over the sky. She was almost always accompanied by her twin sons, Hypnos [Sleep] and Thanatos [Death].
  • Nut/Mut (Egyptian): Egyptian version of Nyx; her outstretched body was arched over the Earth, creating the night sky. Her skin was a royal blue or black and was littered with stars. Her arms and legs were considered the four pillars of the Earth.
  • Selene (Greek): The personification of the Moon. Some confuse Her with Artemis, but Selene holds the 'official' title of the Moon.
  • Artemis (Greek): Goddess of the wild, the hunt, and in some cases, the moon. Her twin brother is Apollo, who has ties with the sun.
  • Urania (Greek): Technically, Urania is the muse of astronomy, but is obviously one you could work with in your practice.
  • Asteria (Greek): Titaness goddess of oracles, prophetic dreams, astrology, falling stars and necromancy.
A small list, yes, but these are ones I primarily work with. You can obviously look up different pantheons and their according deities!

The tools of a Space Witch!

So every witch has his/her own tools for their practice; from candles, to crystals, to art and books! But what exactly might you find in a space witch's repitoire?

Tools of the Space Witch

[I'll break it down into sections, for candles, crystals, etc. just to make it a bit easier to go through and look up later again.]

Candles: Candles used by Space Witches might generally be black, blues, purples and silvers. These are the colors associated with space witchery. But- as I said, space witchery is moldable, and a space witch might be found with a rainbow of candles, for representing different planets in spells, for instance!

Crystals: Crystals typically used might be Blue Goldstone, which replicates the night sky; Star Diopside, Selenite, Moonstones, Citrine, Amethyst, and Obsidian.

Books: You might find some magazines or books based around the Cosmos, books based on astrology/astronomy or even numerology.

Divination: A lot of witches I know prefer to divine through the stars, visualizing images being drawn by the stars and planets in the night sky. Though pendulums, tarot, scrying, etc are all still viable options. No space witch is mandated to keep his/her practice SOLEY cosmic based.

Art: Of course, most art a space witch would have in his/her arsenal would be depictions of galaxies, stars, planets, moons, suns and black holes. S/he might choose constellations, or God/desses centered around the Moon or Sun.

Water: Moon/Star water! Of course! This is garunteed to be in almost EVERY space witch's belongings. Sometimes, we might have a little TOO much.

So, this would be the first of the Space Witch series; just giving a bit of insight into what this is all about. Of course, I will delve deeper with some deities, spells, rituals and practices so that you can really immerse yourself into Cosmic Witchery!

Have fun!

-Sinclaire Veil

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