Thursday, November 12, 2015

Erebus & Shadow Magick

There is little mentioned of the Greek Protogenoi (primordial deity) Erebus in books or on the web. Erebus was one of the first of five deities born from the primoridal chaos in the beginning. He is darkness and shadows. His consort and sister, Nyx, is the most well known of the two, as the Goddess/Personification of the Night. Many seem to think Erebus is simply her counterpart, associating him with the night aswell. No, Erebus is pure, pitch black darkness. Erebus is the shadows that thrive in both the day and the night. But there are many ways to interperet what darkness and shadows might mean…

Shadow magick seems to be the perfect way to accept Erebus into your life. Embracing your own darkness and working side by side with your shadow (see my previous post on shadow magick). Erebus is raw, primal and chaotic. I can hardly see him as a deity in a tunic in a chariot, but instead as a raw, black, shadowy figure that not only embodies, but also brings about necessary darkness in humans. Shadow magick is focused on balance, and becoming whole with your ‘other self’. Playing well with your demons.

Accept that the ebb and flow of darkness is all around you and is found in all things, and you will find that you have accepted Erebus into your life.

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